Locating a home that’s accessible, comfortable and affordable is challenging for individuals with disabilities and their network of support. But with a clear idea of what’s needed in a home, disAbility Resource Center will be there to explain your housing options. Our goal is to assist all our consumers to remain independent and live the best life they can.
If you or a loved one are disabled and/or disabled and homeless, you’ll want to keep in mind all the details of what accessible means and be prepared with the right questions during your search.
We all want to be a part of the community! dRC can assist people with disabilities with living where they choose and maintaining their independence in the community. We can help navigate a move from any environment, including nursing homes and other institutions. We also advocate for accessible housing so there are more options in the community. If you are at risk of becoming institutionalized or are already living in an institution, call dRC for more information about various resources and programs that may be able to assist you.
The mission of the disAbility Resource Center (dRC) is to empower persons with disabilities to become and maintain their independence in their communities.
© 2024 disAbility Resource Center